Ruscello Specials
Here you will find the Specials of Ruscello Kaas.
Ruscello Caramélisé are cheeses with a caramelized crust.
The cheese is ripened in this crust, which gives it its own flavor development.
Black Lemon Caramélisé
Exellentia Caramélisé
Fianco Caramélisé
Life Caramélisé
Red Pesto Caramélisé
Green Pesto Caramélisé
The varieties listed below are the Ruscello Traditional cheeses.
These are farmhouse cheeses, these four types of Ruscello cheese are made from raw milk.
Green pesto
Red pesto
Pesto Lavender
Farmers Truffle
Ruscello Life
A completely new type of cheese! A cheese full of character with a soft, fresh taste and a spicy accent.
Over Ruscello
Ruscello is a brand of Van Beek Intercheese, wholesaler of Dutch and foreign cheese.
Soorten kaas
Dutch cheese with a specially selected and balanced mix of herbs and / or spices.
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